Saturday, December 10, 2022

calculate accurately in Python3

How float point numbers are represented and stored is defined in IEEE-754. If you use float in Python, Double in Java, REAL in MySQL or PostgreSQL, the numbers you read may not be exact the ones you saved previously. The inaccuracy becomes even more unpredictable if we take rounding into consideration.

Here're few examples in Python to give you a better understanding.

f1 = 0.215
f2 = 0.235
f = f1 + f2
g = 0.1
print(f, g, f * g, round(f * g, 2))

f1 = 0.216
f2 = 0.234
f = f1 + f2
g = 0.1
print(f, g, f * g, round(f * g, 2))

from decimal import Decimal
f1 = Decimal(0.215)
f2 = Decimal(0.235)
f = f1 + f2
g = Decimal(0.1)
print(f, g, f * g, round(f * g, 2))

f1 = Decimal("0.215")
f2 = Decimal("0.235")
f = f1 + f2
g = Decimal("0.1")
print(f, g, f * g, round(f * g, 2))

from decimal import getcontext, ROUND_HALF_UP
getcontext().rounding = ROUND_HALF_UP
f1 = Decimal("0.215")
f2 = Decimal("0.235")
f = f1 + f2
g = Decimal("0.1")
print(f, g, f * g, round(f * g, 2))

0.44999999999999996 0.1 0.045 0.04
0.45 0.1 0.045000000000000005 0.05
0.4499999999999999833466546306 0.1000000000000000055511151231257827021181583404541015625 0.04500000000000000083266726847 0.05
0.450 0.1 0.0450 0.04
0.450 0.1 0.0450 0.05

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

mixing spring boot web and webflux

Following how to use reactor scheduler in micro-services, things becomes even more tricky if you mix spring boot web and webflux.

[nio-8090-exec-1] -----Service : foo
[oundedElastic-1] EmailServiceClient : Sending email notification
[ctor-http-nio-2] EmailServiceClient : Sent email notification

[nio-8090-exec-1] EmailServiceClient : Sending email notification
[nio-8090-exec-1] -----Service : foo
[oundedElastic-1] EmailServiceClient : Sent email notification

publishOn + subscribeOn
[nio-8090-exec-1] -----Service : foo
[oundedElastic-1] EmailServiceClient : Sending email notification
[oundedElastic-2] EmailServiceClient : Sent email notification

Mono.just + subscribeOn
[nio-8090-exec-1] EmailServiceClient : Sending email notification
[nio-8090-exec-1] -----Service : foo
[ctor-http-nio-2] EmailServiceClient : Sent email notification

Mono.just + publishOn
[nio-8090-exec-1] EmailServiceClient : Sending email notification
[nio-8090-exec-1] -----Service : foo
[ctor-http-nio-2] EmailServiceClient : Sent email notification

Tuesday, March 01, 2022

failed to insert 1-to-many entities using Spring Data JPA

may related to this, i have to insert header and 2 lines individually to walk around.


select first 1 header_
select header_
insert into header_
insert into line_
select dbinfo('serial8') from informix.systables where tabid=1
insert into line_
select dbinfo('serial8') from informix.systables where tabid=1
A different object with the same identifier value was already associated with the session :
 nested exception is javax.persistence.EntityExistsException:
A different object with the same identifier value was already associated with the session