I'm no way near a productive blogger. Even though I've got only 80 posts in nearly 5 years, some of them are referred by more popular bloggers, which is definitely helping more people and, at the same time, giving me the credit.
Empathy and Samba by http://www.abclinuxu.cz/poradna/linux/show/287722
Schema of iTunes podcast feed by http://wiki.bcmoney-mobiletv.com/index.php?title=ITunes
Let scim and ibus support Skype by http://zazchor.me/blog/2013/09/13/fix-ibus-not-working-with-skype-4-dot-2-in-ubuntu-12-dot-04/
How to install Adobe Flash plugin on Ubuntu 12.04 by http://howaryoo.wordpress.com/2012/08/10/ubuntu-12-04-lts-new-install-oracle-java-and-flash/
Java development using Ubuntu 11.10 and OpenJDK 7 by https://twitter.com/taq/status/125972118000242689
Let's keep up sharing / open-sourcing knowledge.